Back At It...

So sorry for the brief hiatus. Well, not really...I was on vacation. My husband and I went to St. Maarten with some family for a few days. It was such a good time.

I was going to bring my Nikon down there to take some fun beach outfit shots, but I got scared. A while ago when I was down there my camera got ruined because sand got into the lens. I couldn't risk that happening again. So I hope you all followed along with my Instagram posts because it was an amazing trip!

So now I'm back...and so is Snapshot Fashion. Stay tuned for more outfit posts, beauty tips, celebrity styles, and fashion news!

Yes Way, Monet!

One of the best moments of our trip to France was a little side trip we took to Giverny. Ever since I was studying art history in college I would dream about going to visit Claude Monet's house and gardens in Giverny, France. I wasn't able to go there the first time I visited France eleven years ago...but I made it a must on this trip!

Before we arrived I knew the gardens would be beautiful...but when you actually see them in person it is just overwhelming! The gardens were massive and were kept immaculate! So many flowers I have never seen in my life.

dress: H&M | tights: Joe Fresh | booties: Chelsea Crew Black Label | fringe purse: H&M | bracelets: vintage

Monet's famous water lily pond was so beautiful, peaceful, and perfect. 

It was so wonderful to go through Monet's house. Did you see my photos from inside his home on my Instagram? If not, stop on by.

So I know nothing about flowers. I do not have a green thumb and kill just about any plant that gets near me. But what I do know is that I have never seen these flowers before. They reminded me of a starburst...and I just loved them. My absolute favorite flowers of the day!

We also had time to walk through the adorable town, have a yummy lunch, and see the cemetery were Claude Monet is buried.

I'm so very happy that we took this short 40 minute train ride outside of Paris. This was such an enjoyable day. If you find yourself in Paris think about making a visit to Giverny. You will absolutely love it.

Here's to making my art history dreams come true! 

American in Paris

Well we're back! After an amazing trip to Paris I can easily say it is my dream city. I think I'd move there in a second...if I only spoke French. *sigh*

jeans: Zara | top: H&M | booties: Chelsea Crew Black Label | fringe purse: H&M | necklace: gift

Everything was so clean and pretty. The shops were even more adorable than I remembered them being. My husband and I kept saying how is it that we live in NYC and the specialty food stores we have are nothing at all like what they have there. So jealous...

From the amazing architecture, to the delicious food, to the breathtaking gardens and flowers, to the phenomenal farmers market (the one in Bastille was our favorite!)...Paris is a city I hope you all get to go to at some point in your lives. 

We were so amazed at how in bloom everything was, especially for the middle to end of September. 

Okay...I could go on and on with my photos...but I'll save some for another post. :-)