Fashionable Friends
Hooray for Saturday (and to a long weekend as well)! I'll be heading out east this weekend so posting will be light...although I did schedule a few posts. In the meantime I suggest checking out some of my favorite posts from this week---
*Beneath The Crystal Stars shows us just how versatile a bandana can be.
*Whip up some strawberry shortcakes with Cupcakes and Cashmere.
*Stylesightings spots some amazing suspenders on the streets.
*Nana in Wonderland looks so chic...and her entire look was only $34!
*Beneath The Crystal Stars shows us just how versatile a bandana can be.
*Whip up some strawberry shortcakes with Cupcakes and Cashmere.
*Stylesightings spots some amazing suspenders on the streets.
*Nana in Wonderland looks so chic...and her entire look was only $34!