Fashion Blogger of the Week

Today Snapshot Fashion is featuring Starr from A Thought Is The Blossom. I love her vintage style, fabulous finds, and amazing photoshoots she does with her friends. Now let's take a moment to get to know Starr a little bit better---

Why did you start blogging?
It all started when I found (and feel in love with) a vintage shop called Bittersweet Styles through Myspace. I had always been curious about vintage, but this was the first online shop I'd ever seen. Eventually I found Bleubird, Mousevox, Twitch, and Spanish Moss and decided I wanted to start my own. It wasn't until I found Rhiannon and Jennifer from Liebemarlene and Sally Jane that I realized how great of a marketing tool a blog could be. Little did I know it was about to change my whole world! Blogging has been one of those most eye opening experiences for me. It's allowed me to evolve into the women I wanted to be, and it's challenged me to be much more creative than I ever could have dreamed!

How would you describe your personal style?
Thrifty! It's funny that in high school I played basketball and was a jeans and tshirt kind of gal because now my style is so girlie and feminine. I don't spend a lot of money on clothes, and I'll rarely buy anything if it's new. It's strictly thrift stores and estate sales for me! I guess I take a lot of pleasure from the hunt.

If you could raid anyone's closet, who would it be and why?
Leith Clark! Because I love everything she puts on. What an inspiration she is to me and my style!

Who would you love to give a wardrobe makeover?
Oh man, trying to think of one person is tough, but I guess the one thing that bothers me the most is seeing brands like Hollister and Abercrombie (pretty much anything with a label). I don't mean to offend anyone who does wear those things, I just think it's a uncreative. People should try to challenge themselves more! I wish jeans and tshirts would become a thing of the past and women would wear pretty dresses and hats everyday like they used to! Here's to dreaming.

If you could give one fashion tip to anyone, what would it be?
Confidence is the best accessory. I know that's kind of cheesy, but it's true. If you feel good in what your wearing your mood will radiate, I promise!

time for quick fire questions---

gold or silver?

heels or flats?

vintage or DIY?

front row or backstage?

lipstick or lipgloss?
gloss, lipstick freaks me out.

Be sure you check out A Thought Is The Blossom today. You'll instantly love it!