Heading To DC Next Week

Next week at this time my husband and I will be heading down to DC for a little mini-getaway. I've lived so close to DC all of my life...yet I have never been there before. Crazy, I know! The last time my husband was there was when he was in grade school. So this will be a fun little adventure.

I saw an amazing deal via LivingSocial for a hotel so I knew I had to purchase it. As of now we know that we are going to be checking out the National Mall, Museum of American History, and have dinner reservations at Jaleo (since we simply love José Andrés). We'll only be in town overnight...but I wanted to reach out to my readers to see if any of you have suggestions of things we must see or do. Please feel free to leave me a comment or write me an email. I have been trying to do my research on DC because I hate going to a new city without a game plan. I would love to hear your suggestions!

P.S. I will definitely be posting some of my pictures after our trip. So stay tuned!  :-)
