*Snapshot Fashion on Instagram*

Are you following Snapshot Fashion on Instagram yet? Even though I try to update my blog daily, I find myself updating my Instagram a few times a day. Follow along and you'll get a glimpse into my life in NYC, behind the scenes of a fashion blogger, and my love for photography...not to mention a zillion photos of my sweet pup Rocko.

Here are a few highlights over the last week---

1) Enjoying the 70 degree weather and sunshine in Central Park with Rocko. He was so happy!
2) Along the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, enjoying the view of the NYC skyline.
3) A little sneak peek of the photoshoot I did with Sammy Davis.
4) Hoping for a little peace and love after all of the terrible things that have been going on in the world lately.
5) The festive decor at La Palapa in the East Village where I brought some out of town friends for dinner before a bachelorette party celebration.
6) Chrissy, Holly (the bride-to-be), Kim, and myself getting crazy!  :-)

Be sure to follow along @snapshotfashion.

And please be sure to let me know if you have an Instagram account so I can follow back (if I'm not already doing so!).