Dress Like A Celebrity

Okay, I know everyone knows my love for Mandy Moore. I do not keep that a secret. For those of you that do not know...yes, I do love her singing...yes, I do love her acting...and yes, I do love her sense of style! Here is a recent photo of Mandy out at an event in Los Angeles.

I love this simple look on her. It's so chic and all the pieces can really be worn a zillion other ways, so you get a bang for your buck! Here is a wallet friendly version of Mandy's outfit---

What do you think of Mandy's outfit? How does Snapshot Fashion's version stack up against Mandy Moore's?


Fashion Icon of the Week

I have just loved having Mandy Moore as our fashion icon this week. Her sense of style and personality are just so refreshing. So many of you have written to me saying how glad you were that she was picked this week. Sadly I have to let everyone know that today is her last day as our fashion icon. We will be posting new nominees for you to vote on tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you can't get enough of Mandy we want you to head on over to her website. There you can listen to samples from her new album, Amanda Leigh...and even download it from iTunes. Also, be sure to keep checking in on her tour calendar to see if she's coming to perform in a town near you.
