*Snapshot Fashion Turns 6*

Snapshot Fashion turns six today! I have to say, I can't believe that my blog has been around for six years already. Through the ups and downs...the days where I'd get sick of blogging...the days that I loved it...the wonderful people I have met...the fantastic events I was able to attend...and the ongoing correspondence with loyal readers and other bloggers...it was all worth it!

I would love to know what you all would like to see from me and my blog over the next year. More of my personal style? More celebrity style posts? More sales notifications? I want to know exactly what you want to read. You name it, you got it. Even though this blog is my baby, I do this for you all!

Thank you all again for your support through the years. It means more to me than you will ever know!!!

Snapshot Fashion Turns 5

Today is a very special day! Snapshot Fashion is turning five!!! Seems like just yesterday I decided to start this blog. Did I expect it to last five years? Honestly, I never really thought much of it. Just thought of it as a hobby, as a way to express myself, and a creative outlet where I could share my love of fashion and shopping. I am so proud to be a part of the fashion blogging community, and can't wait to see where this year takes my blog.

And now I'd like to ask you...what would you like to see more of on Snapshot Fashion??? Please let me know. I love the feedback!
