Stop Shaving...It's Movember

Today is November 1st, and that means Movember is here! Every year the company I work for puts a team of people together who want to raise awareness for men's health by raising money and not shaving. I'm on the team this year...and no, that doesn't mean I'm growing a beard...just supporting the men in my life and my team.

Movember is touching very close to home this year. A few weeks ago I found out that a very close family friend has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is his second time battling this disease. Last time they removed his prostate and did now this time there is really nothing they can do. A few things to slow the progression of his cancer, but that is it. It's really upsetting, and I don't want to see any other men have to go through this.

Here are some facts on men's health: 

  • Did you know that 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime?
  • Around  8,820 cases of testicular cancer will be diagnosed in 2014. 
  • 1 in 4 adults in the United States will experience a mental health problem this year. 
Please help me and my team raise money!!! Any and all donations would make a huge difference in out fight. And if you can't donate, please repost and tell your friends and family about this Mo Sista's commitment to Movember. Spreading the word is so important!



Many Thanks!!!

I just wanted to say THANKS SO VERY MUCH from the bottom of my heart to everyone that donated, the fashion bloggers (Jen, Lar, Cath, and Maegan) that took part in this, the readers that reposted this fundraiser, all the kind comments that were left, and to everyone that took the time to write me wonderful emails. Everyone's support really means the world to me! I'm happy to announce that we were able to raise: $191.48. This money will be sent directly to the Endometiosis Foundation of America where it will go towards education, awareness, and research for endometriosis.

I hope to do another fundraiser for endo awareness in the future where we can raise even more money!!!

Fashionista Fundraiser for Endometriosis Awareness

So I was all set to do an outfit post but then my dog Rocko started pesting me so I would let him in on the photos for this last Fashionista Fundraiser for Endometriosis Awareness post. So, I decided to save my outfit for another day, and post some cute pictures of Rocko in his scarf posing with my endo sign. He's cuter than I am anyway!!!

Again, we are doing this fundraiser because there is no known cure for endometriosis. There are plenty of ways to control it or prolong surgery. But I want a cure. I need a cure! I think it is so fantastic that other illnesses have such strong support systems, awareness education, and huge fundraisers. Endometriosis really does not. Go ahead, ask ten women that you know what endometriosis is. I guarantee you not all ten can explain. The scary thing is, one in ten women will get this condition. Education about endo is so important. How can you know the symptoms if you don't even know what endometriosis is?!?!

A huge thank-you goes out to all of my friends, family, and well as fellow bloggers that have been a part of this, and those of you that have reposted this fundraiser. Your support means more than anything. When your health has you feeling isolated and alone, it really means a lot to have all the kind emails, comments, and donations being made.

Please make a donation today! All donations will go directly to the Endometriosis Foundation of America. I ask that you make your donation via our secure PayPal link. Please take note that we are raising money through this Friday, October 5th. So get your donations in today!!!