Photo Coverage: Etsy Event for Vintage Sellers

Earlier this week I got a phone call from my friend Sammy of Sammy Davis Vintage. She asked me if I'd be interested in photographing an event (The Secrets of SEO for Vintage Sellers) that she was co-hosting along with her friend Simone at the Etsy Labs in Brooklyn. Of course I said yes! Taking photos of some fabulous vintage styles, meeting nice people (vintage sellers and Etsy team members), trying out my new flash, and shooting my first event...this sounded like a perfect Wednesday night to me.

I wanted to share a few of the photos from the other night with you all. I also have a few more posted on my website and my Facebook page. So be sure to follow along there as well!


I used to shop vintage all the time...especially in high school. I used to find the most adorable pieces in the vintage shops of downtown Lancaster, PA and my favorite spot in Mechanicsburg, PA called Fairy Godmothers. Lately, I just haven't had the time to shop vintage. You really do need to take the time to find those special pieces. But after this workshop I definitely have the itch to start shopping vintage again!

If you are looking for someone to cover your next event, please let me know!!!

P.S. For all of the vintage sellers that were at the event- I have all of the images in a secure file on my photography website. If you don't have the password be sure to ask me or Sammy.

Delightful Di-Di from Snapshot Fashion on Etsy!

Well, my Etsy shop is finally up and running! My shop called Delightful Di-Di from Snapshot Fashion is a full of handmade hair accessories. Be sure to check it out! It is full of floral tulle hair accessories...some small, some large, all fabulous! No matter if you are looking for a cute hair accessory to wear with a pair of jeans, or a quirky piece to pair with more formal attire...there is something for everyone. Custom orders are available as well (for briadal parties, bachelorette parties, name it!).

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to take a moment and wish all of my readers a very happy Easter. I spent the day at my parents' house where my brother's family joined us. We had a great meal, and wonderful weather (until we went to leave...then the rain started).

Did you have a good Easter? Wear any cute Easter dresses? I decided to wear a new tulle rose hair accessory I made. I have been seeing these things pop up all over the place lately...and with the royal wedding coming up this week it really has me thinking about funky hair accessories. I wanted to try my hand at making one myself, and I gotta say, I think it came out pretty good!

Want one? Well, I do have some good news for you. I'm actually going to start making more of them in other colors, designs, and clips...and I'll be selling them on my new Etsy site! The site, Delightful Di-Di from Snapshot Fashion, will probably be open this week. I'll be sure to let all of my readers know when it is open for business!