Happy Halloween (A Flashback)
Happy Halloween everyone!!! I know a number of you probably celebrated last weekend...and some of you can't celebrate today due to the storm. I am sadly not dressing up this year. I don't think I have dressed up for about 6 years or so now. TOO LONG! Halloween is definitely one of my favorite holidays. Who doesn't love playing dress up? But at my age, if nobody is having a party...what's the point of putting on a costume? Maybe next year...
Until then, I thought a look back to some of my costumes over the year would be fun!
One of my first costumes. I'm a devil...talk to the hand.
I think I'm suppose to be a pilgrim? Or a Dutch girl? And that is my brother as a really pathetic looking clown. HAHAHA!
My brother now in the devil costume (nose pick?) and myself as a princess.
This was the year my mom had the brilliant idea of dressing me as a boy (hockey player), and my brother as a girl (in that hand me down pilgrim/Dutch girl outfit). Here we are with my neighbor who was obsessed with He-Man. I'll never forget this Halloween because almost every person that gave us candy thought my brother really was a girl.
I'm a crayon, and my brother Pete is a pumpkin. I love that we both have our leg warmers on. :-)
The last time I dressed up for Halloween (and probably my favorite costume EVER). This is a terrible photo of it. I wish it was in color so you could see our red podiums and silver microphones...and I wish my husband wasn't making such a ridiculous face! We are Price Is Right contestants! See, I can be crafty sometimes.
Are you dressing up this year? What are you going to be? What is your favorite costume that you have ever wore?