Snapshot Fashion UPDATE...

Just wanted to let all of my readers know that Snapshot Fashion will be moving back to NYC in the next month or two. My husband got offered a great we put our house on the market, sold it in 3 days (yes, THREE days!), and now we are in the process of packing up and moving...yet again. 

So for all of my NYC fellow bloggers and readers, I look forward to seeing you!!!

Stay tuned for more updates..........................................

We Are Moving...

I know it seems like we just moved...which we did. Last year at this time we moved out of NYC and to an apartment in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. The plan was to stay here for a little and then buy a house. Well, WE DID JUST THAT! We bought a new house in Lancaster, PA...and we are so excited to move. We're not actually moving there until August 13th. Taking a few weeks to get everything moved over there. I made this video tour today...check it out (and my cameo in the bathroom mirrors).