My Style: QUIZ

Some of my favorite shows are on the Style network, including: How Do I Look, Giuliana & Bill, and Tia & Tamera. While browsing around on Style's site I came across a super fun What's My Style Quiz. It only takes a minute or two to complete...and I think you all will have some fun with this!

I took it and got that my style is classic. Take a moment and see what your style is. Let me know what you get!!!


Quiz Time

I love quizzes. I came across this fun one today and thought that all of my readers would get a kick out of it.

I got: You Are Skinny Jeans- You are extremely confident and even a bit proud of your body. You're gonna flaunt what you've got! You aren't afraid to take fashion risks...or risks of any sort. You're a daredevil. You have a good sense of irony, and you're quite sarcastic. You're ready to verbally spar with anyone. You are clever and adaptable. You try out a lot of things, only keeping what you like.

What did you get???


Quiz Time

I'm always checking in daily to see what new quizzes Blogthings has on their site. Their silly quizzes kept me entertained when I just need to break away from my work for a moment. Today they put a quiz that I know my readers will love: What's Your Fashion City?

Diane got:
Your Fashion City is Paris
You always look amazing, but you never look like you put too much effort in to it. And you probably didn't!
You believe that fashion is all about classic looks, and you shun all silly trends.You appreciate finer quality items, but you would never have anything with a huge label on it. That's just tacky.You never want your look to seem like it was bought in a store. You always have something in your closet to make your outfit uniquely you.

What city did you get???
