Fashion Icons

After I put up my last post about Roseanne and the less than fashionable wardrobe on the show, it got me thinking about the television shows that I actually looked to for fashion tips when I was younger. Please remember, I grew up in the 80's and 90' looking back now at what was considered hip causes me to laugh (and cringe).

Beverly Hills 90210- They were serious style icons of their time. Over sized blazers with shoulder pads, skin tight mini dresses, acid washed jeans, vests, and bold colors. I loved it all!

Blossom- Who didn't love this show? I always wanted Blossom's (or even Six's) wardrobe. What I would have done to trade my closet with them. Heck, I would have even been happy with their hat collection!

Clarissa Explains It All- Clarissa Darling definitely had the most eclectic, funky, crazy wardrobe on Nickelodeon.

Saved By The Bell- I always loved the way Jessie, Kelly, and Lisa dressed...terrible high waisted jeans and all. And didn't they have the BEST HAIR OF THEIR TIME?

My So-Called Life- Angela Chase and Rayanne Graff brought grunge to a whole new level. One could never have too much flannel...right?

Which shows/characters did you look to for fashion inspiration when you were growing up?

Third and Delaware

I came across this website quite some time ago...and I'm sure some of you have seen it already. This afternoon I started thinking about it again, and it made me laugh. Third and Delaware is all about the so-called "fashion" on the popular 1990's television show, Roseanne. It takes you through every episode, showcasing the most ridiculous outfits.

Yeah, I know that fashion wasn't the number one priority for the Conner's. But the funny thing is back when this show was on I wouldn't have looked twice at these outfits. They were totally normal for that time. Oh how far we have come...

Take some time and look through...and be sure to read what they have written (half of the time it's just as funny as the pictures). Sorry I didn't share this with you all sooner. If you haven't seen this before make sure you check it out.