Wish List- Fall

I think the slightly cooler temps today (if you want to call the upper 70s cool) have me thinking about fall weather. Fall is by far my favorite season...and one of the reasons is because I just love dressing for the weather. Layering and wearing jackets...I feel like you can be so creative with your wardrobe during that time of year.

What season is your favorite for fashion???

I compiled a wish list of my most desired pieces for the season. Some are extremely out of my budget...but that is why it is called a wish list, right?

What items are making it on your wish list this year???

Wish List- Spring

So it's January...and that means time to shop for spring clothing. Sounds crazy right? In a way I sort of hate how stores get rid of all their winter inventory as soon as the holidays are through just to make room for the spring styles...because if I need to go buy a sweater, I can't. There aren't any. Just spring dresses and tank tops...and that isn't going to do me any good in these freezing temps. But in a way I really do love it, because it makes me think that spring is right around the corner (yay!).

Here are the items on my wish list for the spring season.

What must have items do you need to have for spring???

Wish List- Fall

Fall is just around the corner, and I can't wait. I know that I was just complaining a few weeks ago that the summer in NYC has been rather cool and rainy...and ever since then it's been so hot and humid (90+ degrees in the city is NEVER fun). So bring on the fall weather, please!!!

I have put together a wish list containing my twenty fall must haves. If only I had the closet space, and money to splurge. Let me know what you think of my list.

Also, I'd love to know what items are on your fall wish list. Please feel free to share!