Tips for the Perfect Curls

I never used to curl my hair. Ever. Any time I tried this look the curls would not last. I would think that my hair type just wouldn't work with curls. What I didn't realize is that I was going about getting this look all wrong. It took many years, lots of trial and error, and some good products to get my locks where they are today. I thought I'd help save you all the hassle I went through and just give you my secrets to bouncy curls.

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1) Start with dirty hair. Yes, dirty hair is a must! I find that when I try to curl freshly washed hair the curls just do not hold. Save your curls for hair that is two or three days after it has been washed.

2) Add in proper products. I always make sure to add in a heat protective spray and either some coconut oil spray or keratin oil spray. This helps your strands stay strong through the heat and keeps them full of shine.

3) Use a curling wand. Toss those curling irons away! Wands are where it's at! Not sure what the difference is? A curling iron has a clamp that can make your curls look like those worn by Shirley Temple. A wand is clamp-free and gives you loose curls which look much more natural. I tend to use a 1" or 1.25" wand. Obviously the larger the barrel the looser the curl.

4) Use a good hairspray. In my mind this is the most important step. You obviously want a hairspray that will hold your style, but you don't want your hair being crunchy either. I have my go to (if you want to know, shoot me a DM via Instagram), but would love to know if you have a favorite hairspray.

I hope these four simple steps help you with getting the best curls of your life!