ANTM For Shorties

So tonight Cycle 13 of America's Next Top Model premieres on the CW. This cycle is very different from all the other cycles in the past. The top model hopefuls are all UNDER 5'7". Now I am 5'7" so you would think that I would be excited for this season...but I'm really not. Models are suppose to be tall. I really think they should have stuck to their previous requirement of 5'7" and taller. There is no way some girl who is 5'3" is going to make it in this industry. NO WAY. I think back to so many past contestants that were said to be too short by other designers (while they were on their go sees), and they were 5'7"-5'9".

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that Tyra is giving these girls an opportunity...but I don't see them getting a career out of this. Let's see if they prove me wrong.

What do you think of this idea? Will you be watching tonight?
