Cover Story- Vogue February 2015

You know you always judge a good fashion magazine by the cover right? Well I put together a list of some fabulous Vogue covers that grace February's issues around the world. Don't you just love how very different they are?






My favorite has to be Spain! The bold colors and striking composition just set it apart from the rest in my mind. 

Which Vogue cover do you love most???

Cover Story- Vogue January 2014

It's a new year, and I thought it would be fun to see how one of my favorite magazines is showcasing their first issue of 2014. Below you will find a number of the different magazine covers for Vogue's January issue. Which one is your favorite???


United States




Personally, I think Mexico and UK are the most striking covers. I don't know about you, but I am so thrilled that 2014 is here. I new year brings new fashion and trends! Can you believe in just over a month NYFW will be here?

Behind the Scenes: Mary-Kate and Ashley

I have to admit, I'm slightly obsessed with the Olsen twins. Their mega-success, sense of style, and fashion empire has inspired me for quite some time. Such a long way from, "you got it dude." At the young age of 27, I can only imagine where their success will bring them in the years to come.

Check out some photos from their recent photoshoot with Allure Magazine, as well as some shots from behind the scenes.

Click here to see some more images from Mary-Kate and Ashley's photo session with Allure
