The Bold And The Beautiful

dress: Calvin Klein thrifted from Crossroads Trading Co./ sandals: H&M/ horse pin: a gift from my friends at Bob Mackie

Yes I wear black (a lot)...but I really am a sucker for a bright and bold print (especially when hot pink is involved in it!). So you knew I couldn't say no to this amazing Calvin Klein dress. I picked it up at Crossroads Trading Co. last weekend. Not only did it fit me perfectly, but I don't think it was ever worn. The pockets were still sewn shut. Can you believe it? And better yet, it was only $27.50!!!

Enjoying the ever so slight breeze...

Tonight we're going to finally go see Trainwreck, and I cannot wait! We've been meaning to go for the last few weeks but our plans kept changing. But tonight is the night. Sitting in air conditioning this evening sounds like the perfect plan to me!

This weekend is going to be another hot one. Stay cool everyone!